Breathalyzers (Alcohol Testers) are devices of a scientific nature that require re-calibration at specific intervals. Re-calibration must be carried out on a regular basis at 6 or 12 Months intervals depending on device specifications and use to ensure accuracy.
Thousands of South African motorist blatantly flout the law by driving under the influence of alcohol each year. Their disregard for safety places a tremendous burden on the country’s emergency services and leads to untold misery through death and the destruction of private property. The Medical Research Council of South Africa compiled a report documenting the number of people killed in road accidents, whose blood alcohol exceeded the given limitations.
Alcohol abuse can be referred to as the over indulgence or excessive usage and dependence on alcohol that acts on the central nervous system to alter brain functions. This typically results in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behaviour leading to effects that are harmful to a person’s physical or mental health or the welfare of others.
But if you wise up and make responsible decisions, you will arrive alive.
Fact: An often-cited decades-old study found that hyperventilation and vigorous exercise did indeed lower subjects’ BAC readings by as much as 10%. Conversely, holding their breath actually increased subjects’ BAC readings by up to 20%. Unfortunately, these activities can also render one light-headed and gasping for air – behaviour that would undoubtedly capture the attention of law enforcement officers who suspect an individual of being under the influence.
Fiction: Breathalyser test results can be used in court.
Often, people around drunk drivers know what is happening. If those individuals could be held accountable for a crash, they might be more willing to intervene. The possibility that everyone in the car—and not just the driver—could be charged might also give drinkers additional motivation to make plans ahead of time for a safe ride home. And the law already allows people to be held responsible as accomplices or accessories for other crimes. If you drive the getaway car instead of pointing the gun at the bank teller, the law still considers you guilty of armed robbery.
For most models, a user simply blows through the mouthpiece for 5 seconds. The blowing is similar to blowing out a candle and the user should blow evenly for the entire 5 seconds. The breathalyser will indicate when to start and stop blowing, and if the sample was not adequate for an accurate reading.
It’s essential to recognise that drunk driving is the biggest single contributor to road fatalities in South Africa. I have seen unreleased morgue reports that 60-70% of drivers and pedestrians killed in road crashes have a blood alcohol (BA) content in excess of 0.08g/100ml.
Take into account that around 40% of all fatalities in SA are pedestrians, it becomes clear it’s not only drivers that are of concern.
Alcohol Affects Women Differently as it would men. Women are advised to drink less because, in general, their bodies don’t process alcohol as efficiently as men’s. Women start to have alcohol-related problems at lower drinking levels than men do. They tend to absorb more alcohol and take longer to break it down and remove it from their bodies.
There are other affects of alcohol that you may not be aware of. Drinking too much alcohol can damage the liver in two main ways Liver disease is the term used to describe damage to the liver and there are two types. Acute is when liver problems develop over a few months and chronic is damage over a number of years. There are lots of different causes of liver disease, including drinking alcohol to excess which causes ‘alcoholic liver disease’.