The designated driver – Any time that a group of people goes out to drink, whether it’s a planned celebration or an informal meeting, having a designated driver is always important. Public safety agencies and even private companies like beer- and liquor-makers have spoken out on the vital role that a designated driver plays in lowering dangers on the roadway and helping others get home safely. What everyone should know is that there are different ways to choose a designated driver, and some methods are better than others
- Choose a designated driver prior to drinking. Experts agree that having a pre-selected designated driver ups the chances that the individual will be sober and take his or her duties seriously when the night is over
- Select the designated driver fairly. Some groups have issues with always making the same person the designated driver. Try to share the burden equally and make sure everyone does his or her part
- Consider peer pressure. Resources from federal agencies like the National Institute of Health point to studies that have proven that peer pressure can affect designated drivers in negative ways. When a group of young people uses a designated driver who is a peer, it can lead to dangerous rough-housing or other interactions in the vehicle that can add some kind of risks. Make sure you find a designated driver who is “solid” and impervious to peer pressure
- Find an experienced driver. In some cases, groups without a specific designated driver end up choosing someone who is not even of driving age, or who has very little driving experience. This is not a very safe way to provide for your way home when the party’s over. Make the effort to find a driver who knows the road.
- Ask the designated driver about his or her current driving record. Although police do understand the importance of having a sober driver operating the vehicle, the group is likely to face challenges if a traffic stop reveals that the designated driver doesn’t hold a license, holds a suspended license or has an expired license. Check with your selected driver up front to make sure he or she has a legal license, as well as proper insurance and no outstanding legal warrants for previous traffic violations.
Get home safely, don’t drink and drive. Besafe solutions has all the breathalyzer products you need, contact us today.